Pros And Cons Of The 4-Way Test And Me

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The 4-Way Test and Me “You’re too ugly and fat!” “You’re not good enough!” The problem in our world is that people of all ages, races, and nationalities hear insults like these every day. People disregard the idea of compassion just to emotionally damage someone they vaguely know. This is a critical problem in society and needs to be stopped. With the 4-Way Test, this problem can be avoided. But society is too caught up with selfish desires to even consider if their words are harmless. Asking yourself these four questions on things you think, say or do can be tedious, but it can strongly benefit you and the people around you. I’m only one voice in this world, but I strongly believe that if everyone knows of the 4-Way Test, this terrible problem could easily be solved. Take a minute to consider this. There’s a schoolgirl who wakes up every morning with red eyes from crying the previous night. She gets through her usual morning routine, only to arrive at school and be humiliated by her peers. They throw things at her, they point, they laugh, they insult her, and they put her through all this emotional torture until the end of the day. Finally, she arrives home. Her parents question her about what happened in school, but she ignores their question and goes up to her room. She recalls the words her schoolmates said to her. “You’re so …show more content…

then we will have a better relationship and understanding with each