Persuasive Essay: What Makes Us Human

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Persuasive Essay A question asked for ages. Something that 's kept great philosophers minds going. What makes us human? Is it our intellect? Perhaps our physical appearance? But, something many can agree on is that what just makes us so vulnerable, is the thing that mostly makes us human. It is our way of feeling and expressing emotion. Now, when most people think of what separates humans from animals, intellect might come to mind. Since we have our own language and can comprehend extremely deep thoughts, this obviously must be what makes us unique and superior to animals, right? Well, are dolphins human? They use echolocation to communicate and observe surroundings, and, are known to be able to comprehend quite complex situations. After all, according to Madison Montgomery who wrote an article on the website a green planet, “a comparison of cetacean to primate brains from Michigan State University, ‘They have the distinct advantage over us in that their primary sense is the same as their primary means of communication, both are auditory. With primates, the primary sense is visual and the primary means of communication is auditory,’” which basically means their brains are more complex than ours because they can use auditory responses as visuals. So, since dolphins have a complex way of thinking and have the ability to communicate in complex ways, it can easily be concluded that the standards that most people would consider a human different from a animal, can be