Persuasive Essay: Why Are Parents Failing A Class In School

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You are failing a class or two in school. Were you not prepared? Did your parents not help you? Or do you have an awful teacher? Who’s fault is it if a student is failing a few classes in school; the parent, the teacher, or the student? Students themselves are at fault for failing classes in school. It’s one thing if you are struggling as a student at a young age but as you progress in school, the responsibility becomes your own. It is the student’s responsibility for them completing the work and learning the skills that are being taught, it’s not your parent’s job to do your work for you, and if your teacher is doing a bad job teaching then it’s up to you to get extra help. Do you go home to your parents screaming at you for a bad grade? Your parents may help you with your homework, but if you are failing a class in school, it’s not their job to do it for you. I found on that parents need to step back and actually LET their teen fail. That teaches them that they need to step up their game and take consequences for their actions. Some people say that the parents don’t motivate their children or help them with homework. It is the teen’s job to do their schoolwork! First, I will talk about being off task. The teen might be daydreaming. He or she might be thinking about some nonsense that is off topic. Maybe it is the parent’s fault for a child failing school. But a teen? Then it is their own fault. By the age of 12 or 13 you are old enough to study and do