Persuasive Speech About Adoption

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Many of my friends on Facebook saw that yesterday I made a post about twin babies, due in December and their mom is strongly considering placing them up for adoption. I guess it would depend on where you stand and your perspective but many of you would not be surprised by the mass of people that respond to a post like that. There are others though, who would be shocked to see how many hopeful people are dreaming of the day a baby is available for them.

It broke my heart. Honestly, it was overwhelming how many people had already spent so much time and money putting themselves in a position to be ready at a moments notice, if they happen to find a birth mom willing to bring a child into this world and then graciously hand it over to someone …show more content…

The stories of failed adoption attempts, the stories of countries changing guidelines, rules, regulations, expense... on and on and on. Very few even wondered if I knew anything about the situation or the health or the circumstance. They didn't care, they had the hope of a baby, two in this case, joining their home and life - they were willing to take on whatever that life might bring, because they want to be parents.

As birth parents, we don't know what we are going to get do we? I, like so many of my friends have had kids with serious birth defects, genetic disorders or other health conditions, there are no guarantees - none. The same for adoptive families, sure there are some that aren't willing to take on babies with known birth defects but there are plenty that are. They are merely hopeful it's going to be their child and their child brings no guarantees whether it is birthed by them or …show more content…

Is there really so much shame and guilt in this world over bringing a human safely into this world? I thought that is what everyone wants; to have their dreams come true and help others see their dreams fulfilled? I don't know about you, but I just find it hard to believe that we can't reduce the abortion rate by 10% and increase the adoption rate by possibly even 8% in this country. I would imagine it wouldn't really be an equal number because my guess is, many would decide to keep and raise the child for themselves. But if our mindset was altered just a bit, and we lived out trying to really help one another... couldn't we become a society of dream