Unhealthy Lifestyle Steps

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Recommended from the American College of Sport Science, adults need 150 minutes of exercise a week. We often eat too much for how little we move. If you are looking to lose weight you will need an average of 250 minute moderate-intensity, which only comes out to about 50 minutes a day for 5 days. Not bad, right? Now let's break it down. Lets look at your lifestyle. Do you work a desk job, or a job that is not physically demanding? If so, a sedentary person will only average 1,000-3,000 steps a day. One’s goal should be to try and hit 10,000 which equates to near 5 miles. An easy way to track your steps is simply looking at your phone under a “health” app (go ahead, pull out your phone). Hopefully you just gave a sigh of relief because you are above …show more content…

Zombies! I know you intial thought, “I don't want to be chased by a zombie.” This walk/race is just a dress up 5K. You will not be chased by a zombie, even if you would like to be. There will be face painting on site but I would like to see who can be the scariest. Send us your zombie pictures if you end up joining the event. http://www.active.com/san-jose-ca/running/distance-running-races/run-with-the-zombies-2016 Find Nature at Lands End Looking for new place to hike? Well look no further. My friends and I hike here frequently. One of the most adventurous and prettiest hikes (I think personally so I am bias). There is sightseeing from birds, to rocky statues, and of course the Bay. Along the trails there are places to stop and have a picnic, so bring some snacks so you can enjoy it all day. http://www.everytrail.com/guide/lands-end-san-francisco Hike at Devil's Gulch For those of you that are up to the challenge Devil’s Gulch is the place to hike. The hike consist of just a little more than 6 miles, so you will get plenty of steps in! I would plan on saving half your day for this trip. Don’t let the name fool you, it is a beautiful hike located near

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