Persuasive Speech On Perseverance

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What is perseverance? Perseverance is when you don't give up on your dreams or your careers or anything really. For example, if you had a dream to get a good education, but you got kicked out of school what would you do? Well, if you really did want a good education than you would go straight to homeschool no matter how difficult it is with your parents teaching you or any other problem your having with home school. That would be perseverance, that would be not giving up on your dreams. But that's not the only dream you could have, there are millions and millions of other dreams that you could have but no matter what it is you need to be an example of perseverance, you need to not give up on your dreams and who knows, maybe you will become well known for not giving up on your dreams just like some of the people i'm going to tell you about, and if you’re not inspired by my words than be inspired by these people. The first person I am going to talk to you about is Anne Frank, you may know of her, but she was …show more content…

I am sure that you most likely heard of him in art class one day in elementary school, and you probably know why he is famous. But I am still going to tell you why he is famous and why he is an example of perseverance. The first and probably the most well known thing about him and how he succeeded at becoming an artist is how he painted so many things including sunflowers, self portraits, and last but not least his most well known painting the starry night. Even though no one would buy any of his paintings he kept going and kept painting. Other people didn't like his paintings and kept trying to discourage him but he kept going. Is that all? No its not, there is one more thing he did that is one of my favorite things he did as an example of perseverance. When he didn't have enough money to afford both food and paint he spent all of his money on paint instead of food so that he could continue