
Persuasive Techniques In President Lyndon B. Johnson's Speech

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President Lyndon Baines Johnson did many things and created many labels for himself in his lifetime. Johnson took the label as President after President Kennidy was assassinated (“Lyndon B. Johnson.”). I found this relevant because I could imagine Johnson was overwhelmed. Imagine getting a super big promotion with basically no warning. He was the youngest majority leader in history (“Lyndon B. Johnson.”). I also found this relevant because it shows how hard he worked to get into that position. In World War II his plan survived an attack by Japanese fighters (“Lyndon B. Johnson.”). I found this interesting, if you think about how things could've been if the plane crash was worse. He would have never been the president and it would even change …show more content…

I think his speech was so popular because of the way you could tell he wanted to speak about this, his tone was super inspired by his topic. “For in your time we have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society, but upward to the Great Society” (The Great Society). You could tell that Johnson wanted us to be inspired to do better and become the society we all want. One other persuasive technique he used was repetition; he repeats his sentences as well as words to get our attention. “We have always prided ourselves on being not only America the strong and America the free, but America the beautiful”(The Great Society). In this quote he repeats the word “America” by doing this you get the idea that he wants you to hear him out on what America is really supposed to be. Another, and my final reason for his speech being a great example as a persuasive speech is his way of using alliteration. “Your imagination and your initiative and your indignation will determine whether we build a society where process is the servant of our needs” (The Great Society). Johnson uses these words to get you very aware and concerned about the topic as much as he is. His way of using persuasive speech persuaded me to want a change in our world today and had my attention as I’m sure he had many

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