Ph Levels Of Water

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PH; What, When, Why, Where, Who?
The PH levels of water is very important. Many people do not realize how important this is. PH levels that are too low could cause health problems. Even water that has high levels of ph of cause problems with piping and duch. So to learn more about the levels of ph research was needed. Investigating ph levels and getting research was the first part to this project. First off what is ph, and what does it mean? PH of water is the potential hydrogen. Potential hydrogen means how much hydrogen is in the water. This is very important because if the ph is to high or too low it could make for acidic or alkaline. The potential hydrogen of pure H2O is seven. The ph scale ranges from level zero to fourteen, seven being …show more content…

that means its is acidic. Acidic drinking water has very bad affects on your health, especially if the water is very low. One of the big health problems is that acidic water is considered soft, and corrosive. The means that the acidic water that is traveling through metal pipes can collect harmful, even deadly metals from the pipes. So it is common that acidic water has a good chance of containing harmful chemicals. Acidic water also has a noticeable taste and can be slightly metallic or sour. if water is acidic it has a trademark characteristic. Blue green stain will build were the acidic water is running and often shows in showers and drains. Since acidic water is corrosive and can leach metals from the piping it means it is damaging the …show more content…

The most common are a potential hydrogen meter or litmus / ph paper. “If it turns pink, it's acid I think … and if it turns blue, it's an alkali true” (Chris Woodford). this is for litmus paper, if the paper turns pink it’s acidic and if it turns blue it’s alkaline. The simple idea is that the paper turns a different color for solutions between pH 1 and 14. By comparing your paper to a color chart, you can read off the acidity or alkalinity without knowing how many hydrogen ions there are. Often this is used but to get a precise answer you need to use a ph meter. A ph meter measures the acidity and alkalinity of a fluid. Acidic water is more likely to have positive charged ions, so it’s more likely to have a higher voltage. A PH meter acts like a volt meter, and measures the water's amount of ”voltage”. Make sure the PH meter is calibrated before you use the probe to measure to potential hydrogen of the

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