Philosophy Statement

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During the summer before the first teaching job, a teacher must put in a lot of effort to make their future classroom a welcoming learning environment. Teachers need to realize that it is their job to help prepare their students for the future. On that first day as students are walking through the classroom door, teachers must look at each student as an individual. Teachers have a long school year to make sure that all standards are placed in their students’ minds. These standards are not just important for the purpose of school, but these standards are important for the process of development. If students are not giving their best performances, then they may not grasp the important information that may be needed. It is the teacher’s job to …show more content…

Without any of the knowledge that is taught in school, then how will students learn to become apart of the society? We cannot let any child go off in our world without any of the basic knowledge on how to be a member of society. Students must learn to think as critical thinkers, and problem solvers. I believe once students master their own way on how to be critical thinkers and problem solvers, they will be able to join in today’s society and give feedback on what they believe is right. Schools also have the purpose of building skills such as personal, relationships, team bonding, and learning how to be mature. Schools are not here just so that students can learn history, math, science, and English and then leave. What would the point be in that? We want students to learn these skills so that they will have a better understanding of life as they grow up and move on to the next grade level. Students can learn best by looking up to the teachers or older classmates or friends. Every single staff member that is in a school setting is there to help the students that are in need of help or guidance. No one wants a student to feel left behind in the curriculum. No student would want to be held back a grade, and neither does nay