Phineas Gage Research Papers

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Here is an amazing fact that most people don’t know: a man had an incident which caused him to act differently than normal people. A brain injury can change the way something acts, feels, and thinks. In Phineas Gage: An Unusual But True Story About Brain Science by John Fleischman, Phineas Gage was a man with a hole in his head due to an accident which caused him to act differently and change his actions forever. Adolescents don't have a developed brain, so just like Phineas, they act the same and are similar in many ways. Phineas and adolescents have similar behaviors, the parts of their brain that are damaged are different. Phineas illustrates the difference between bad behavior and bad manners. Adolescents and Phineas are similar and share …show more content…

Phineas comes up with all sorts of new plans, the doctor writes, but they are no sooner announced than he drops them. Phineas is like a small child who says he is running away from home after lunch and then comes up with a new idea for his sandwich. Horrible Accident, par. 33. Phineas is irregular and doesn’t know how to act around his co-workers. Anybody who is not impulsive would be able to understand the wrongness of the type of language he was using around women. He is like a small child that fickles at his desires, which is a behavior that is commonly seen in an adolescent. Adolescents are known for taking risks and doing bad things, just like Phineas. We know that he has brain damage and doesn’t know how to act correctly. Another evidence states,” They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” A hundred years or so later, Aristotle described “youth” as “lacking in sexual self-restraint, fickle in their desires, passionate and impulsive.”Adolescence isn’t an operation." John Fleishman,