Phineas Gage Research Paper

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Do you know what happened to Phineas Gage's brain and how his behavior changed? Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science by John Fleishman (“Putting Phineas Together Again”). Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (“The Right Sort of Risk”). Phineas Gage lived through the 1823s-1860s and he worked at this railroad where he would work on the track and put steaks in the ground and while he was doing that he got distracted and accidentally set off the gunpowder making the iron rod that he was working with go through his left cheekbone out the Frontal Cortex. He is so important because during that accident with the iron rod when it went out everyone thought he would die but he survived …show more content…

The behavior between Phineas and Adolescents is kinda different and the same because Phineas acted like a child and the Adolescents make very poor decisions which kinda revolves around Phineas because he did make some very bad/poor decisions and if Adolescents don’t have all the executive functions that they would need to have when they are an adult they would probably make poor/bad decisions too. When Phineas one part of his brain got injured Frontal Cortex he wasn't acting like himself making bad decisions and acting like a 5 year old but that was all because his Frontal Cortex was damaged and the Frontal Cortex controlled that behavior and Adolescence does not affect children or adults because it's rare but Adolescents are more likely to affect young adults because they are more likely to make risk taking decisions because their brain isn't fully developed. And if we look at the Adolescent brain they make bad/poor decisions when they are in their young adulthood and when they accident happened when they were in their young adulthood. My final thought is that Phineas behavior and decision making is not the greatest because of the accident and he was in his young adulthood and Adolescence made bad decisions because when you get into your young adulthood are brains are not fully developed and that causes us to make poor decisions like Phineas