Essay On Child Development 0-3 Years

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Birth and Infancy (0-3 years) Physical development During the first period of a child’s life, we develop from absolute physical dependence to independence though the new skills and strength we gain each day. By just 1 month old a baby can turn its head from side to side whilst lying flat and has started to move it’s hands and arms, from here the baby’s motor control will continue to develop from the head, to the arms and trunk until the physical development reaches their legs and feet. While the baby is between 4 and 6 months old, the significant stage of the first roll becomes due. By 7 months a baby can sit and stand without support, at 8.5 months can usually crawl and the ability to walk independently occurs at about 12 months. Before …show more content…

In terms of growth, after turning 4 children may being to appear thinner, this is because they are growing in height but their fat intake stays similar. Also, hand-eye coordination will become noticeably better and skills will become available to them such as changing their own clothes or pouring themselves a drink. By 6, the child’s balance will be developed and at the age of 7 they have learnt how to complete simple tasks such as brushing their own teeth and hair, riding a bike and making their own bed. Parents also may notice that this is the stage in childhood when a child starts to veer towards one hand rather than the other. Before turning 9 they will have experienced a growth spurt and darkened hair and their strength and coordination will continue to develop with time and practice. Emotional and Social development At 4, social changes also occur; children become able to play and interact with other children, show interest in exploring the difference between genders, are able to play outside with a lot less supervision as well as often becoming bossy and telling fibs. Over the next few years children start to choose their own friends and have a few best friends instead of the whole class. Children should also start to respect rules set and who is in