Physical Therapy Argumentative Essay

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During the last six weeks, the world revolved around evidence-based physical therapy (EBPT). It materialized in a continuing education class on visceral manipulation of the urogenital system, on physical therapy Facebook pages, in craniosacral blogs as well as in the EBP1 class. A patient stated that recently she began promoting the use of evidence-based articles as a librarian. Evidence-based research is here to stay. The jury is still out on how extensive the role of evidence-based physical therapy should play in our lives.
Evidence in physical therapy is necessary when a question arises about a prognosis, diagnosis, treatment choice, medical legal issue, current research or when there is a knowledge gap. It can help with best practice choices in physical therapy. If a question about treatment choice with a certain diagnostic situation or when equipment choices must be made, evidence based practice can provide answers. . It helps clarify and educate therapists on topics of interest. Evidence-based practice (EBP) …show more content…

Chronic pain diagnoses are complex and encompass the physical body and a hypersensitive emotional state. It is one thing to find an evidenced-based article on neck pain and exercise but another to find an article on what best practice treatment helps the fibromyalgia patient with a somatic syndrome. We can overcome this challenge by demanding better evidence, play down the evidence that is supported by bias, campaign to bring therapists of all ages up to speed on evidence-based medicine, suggest evidence-based seminars as a topic at PT conventions, and attend or start journal clubs to name a few. I believe that if evidence-based practice is going to be successful therapists who work with patients daily will be the ones who organize and implement good sound evidence within a patient centered care