Physical Therapy Vs Occupational Therapy Essay

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When someone is asked the difference between Physical Therapy and
Occupational Therapy, most people will say they are roughly the same concept just interacting with different ages. This is not entirely correct, both therapist came work with young children or older folks. There are many similarities and difference between both occupations. Occupational Therapy is the focus of improving functional abilities along with motor skills. The main objective for any OT is to help people regain their ability to continue on with their daily activities (Physical Web Therapy 2013). Patients can include children with autism and sensory learning abilities just to name a few. For example, my senior project this year will be conducted on a little boy, Blake …show more content…

Such examples of treating physical problems can we injured tissue or injured structures. PT will work with patients that need help restoring their movement and mobility such as standing up or walking.
They also teach exercises that can be done at home including stretching, core

Physical Therapy vs. Occupational Therapy
Savannah Davis
HN Health Science II
exercises and weight lifting. Their work environment tends to be more common in a on- site practice (Missouri College 2015). Some PT’s will make home visits but it’s unlikely to occur often. My sophomore year I injured one of the muscles in my lower back while playing softball. I was referred to a PT where they did electrical shock. In this process the patches placed on my muscle turned cold then approximately two hours later heated the muscle. My experience showed me many different aspects of what performances can be achieved. A PT can work with patients among any age. Watching the PT push patients to continue with the exercises was the highlight of my day. Some of the older folk tried to nag and stop but the PT helped them push through with their struggles.
There are many similarities between Occupational Therapy and