Pico-Union Case Study

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With high unemployment and with low-income housing it was a huge problem for Pico-Union. The violence dealt this highly immigrant neighborhood a crushing about $13 million worth of damage, according to city estimates. Jobs are hard to be fine which cause a number of people homeless for many Central American immigrants migrating across the Mexican-American borders. In particular, men and their families are migrating to the Pico-Union area in search of work in order to support themselves and survive. Although there was some homeless people collecting cans; majority of the homeless population contained of migrant workers. Work is a daily struggle for many in Pico-Union, but it is unique to see this community of day find a common meeting ground …show more content…

Panaderia Cuscatleca has their product in a Mexican newspaper and they keep it in their store, which won’t really promote their store if it’s always inside their store. They have business card that is plane with just blue letters say their bakery name and the contact number and store address, which it really plane. Beside those advertising they do go to charities events and festival to promote their bakery, but the problem is that the festival is located far from their store. Which is no really affected because why go to Panaderia Cuscatleca 8 or 12 miles away when they can go to the closes one near them. Panaderia Cuscatleca need to stand out of every other bakery by making their own logos stickers because who doesn’t love stickers and pass it around one by one, they should reward their customer by creating an award card for pass purchases and give out free sample because people are afraid to buy something they never eaten before, getting to know your customers and letting your customers knows about the bakery is how you attract …show more content…

Creating different cartoon bread shape stickers with contact information, store address on it and pass it out would give the bakery a great outcome. Stickers aren 't just for kids anymore, they 're powerful sales tools, which need to be a part of the store marketing program. As Contagious said, “we need to design products and intuitive that advertise themselves and create behaviors, residue that sticks around even after people have brought the product or espoused to ideal. ” (page 23). Giving away logos sticker will attract the customers, result in the sticker being applied to a visible location such as their car, skateboard, wall, etc. This makes them advertising the bakery by traveling around promoting the bakery store to the world. There are two sides to every sticker and not using the backside is like paying for advertising space and then leaving it blank or only using half of what 's available. By having these two functions the bakery can instantly see the cost advantages and effectiveness of this stickers. You have information that you want to put and keep in customers’ hands. By using a well-designed sticker you can easily accomplish these goals and more. On page 23 Contagious said, “people like to help others, so if we can show them how our products or ideas is, it will save time, improve health, an save money, they’ll spread the word.” Be using sticker product, can