Pin Hole Camera Research Paper

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The Pin Hole Camera The history of the camera starts off in 1000AD, where philosopher Alhazen created the first actual camera. The design included a box with a pinhole and a piece of paper inside the box. The camera works by allowing light to pass through the hole and out the other end producing a flipped image of the subject in front of the camera. The paper inside the box, captures the outlines of the image and the image on the paper has the ability to be traced and a more accurate copy. Alhazen created this camera design very long ago and he contributed by creating the concept of light passing through hole, and then being captured onto a piece of paper. The pinhole design allowed for the future use of lenses and film by taking the same concept and increasing its efficiency. Alhazen introduced the original design in where the light is transferred through a hole and then displayed onto a recording format such as paper or film.

The Light Spectrum …show more content…

Isaac Newton discovered that light was the source of true color. He also discovered the spectrum of light in which the rainbow effect was discovered. He discovered this by passing sunlight through a prism. The prism split the light into the various colors that white light is made up of and this discovery pointed out that the white light contains true color. Isaac Newton also tried putting that same band of colors through another prism, which resulted in the colors of light turning back into white light. This discovery led to the further advancements of photography in the fact that the light that future cameras captured were geared towards capturing the various colors of light from the white light reflected off of the subject in front of the