Plagiarism Writing Style

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Introduction Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as if they were your own. The word plagiarism comes from the Latin for “kidnapping,” which raises an interesting comparison. What is above phrase? It is the definition of plagiarism and etymology of this word, but the problem is that plagiarism occurred in the phrase. Because this phrase is noted in Bailey and Powell’s book “The Practical Writer”, it is better to revise it and say it in this way: According to Bailey and Powell (2008) “plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as if they were your own. The word plagiarism comes from the Latin for “kidnapping,” which raises an interesting comparison” (p. 216). In other word, plagiarism …show more content…

By giving a quick glance at some article that plagiarism happened in it, one most common reason for it is the use of another researcher’s voice or style in writing in your own research paper. One way to avoid it is you use your writing style include your thoughts and words to support your research. Remember, if you plagiarize and use another author’s writing style, you will not learn to writing in your style. As noted at the beginning, plagiarism is purposely using another person’s writing as your own writing, so surely another reason is that researcher is not aware of what is …show more content…

It can a duty for researchers to avoid this and should consider this rule. However, some researchers persuade themselves and say that doing plagiarism is inevitable. In the next session, we pointed out some types of plagiarism.
Types of Plagiarism There are different types of plagiarism. In the following we tried to cover all of them, so, in order to this we outlined these type and defied each step by step.
Idea Plagiarism Idea plagiarism occurs when a researcher use other researcher or an individual’s idea or creative offer as his/her idea and noted it in the research paper.
Direct Plagiarism Direct plagiarism defines as mention a part of another researcher’s work as your own work without any quoting.
The use of your own previous research in a new one is self-plagiarism. Simply put, if a researcher submits one of his/her work for two journals at the same time and they accept and publish it.