Plan For Children In Spain Essay

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Founded in 1937, by British journalist John Langdon-Davies and refugee worker Eric Muggeridge as ‘Foster Parents Plan for Children in Spain,’ Plan International aimed to provide basic requirements to young people affected by the Spanish Civil War through the establishment of personal child-sponsor relationships (Plan International ). During the Second World War, Plan extended this aid to displaced children in Europe and China, and later the focus became children of less-developed countries (Plan International ). By the 1970s, what is now know as ‘Plan International’ had offices and projects in much of the developing world. Today Plan continues to use the child sponsor model and is active in over 70 countries, including 48 developing countries …show more content…

Working alongside partner organisations and communities, Plan endeavours to: empower beneficiaries to examine the core causes of gender inequalities, vulnerability and discrimination, drive institutional change and foster the development of children from birth to adulthood (Plan International). Plan preposes that fulfilling children’s rights (rights such as, equal access to education, and adequate health care), will achieve gender equality and eradicate child poverty (Plan …show more content…

Although specifically in relation to relief agency, Krause argues that entities that provide grants often have an influence over the types of projects their money is used for, they may pay NGOs for specific projects, and for the right to publicise that with their financial support a project was implemented. This would be clearly problematic for an organisation that purports to put the wants of its beneficiaries at the centre of its