Planned Parenthood Business Analysis

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Planned Parenthood is composed of numerous employees distributed throughout several departments in multiple locations. Depending on the area of expertise, employees are established in departments such as finance (accounting), human resources, information technology (IT), marketing, and administration.1 Employment of healthcare professionals includes physicians, nurses, pharmacists, various technicians, and mid-level practitioners. Dramatic increasing trends employment are apparent in these clinical positions.* Additional areas of employment include fundraising, clerical support, call centers, community outreach programs, educational programs, executive and legal departments, and online support staff.1 Currently the organization employs approximately …show more content…

Referring back to Figure 2, supporting data indicates abortion services account for only three percent of medical services provided. A rather positive strategy for combating these threats have been displayed through Planned Parenthood annual reports, disclosing every aspect of revenues and expenses incurred while displaying accomplishments with the funds received.
Function, Diversity, and Legal Issues
The human resources department is a vital component due to the magnitude of the organization. Along with the national corporate …show more content…

All candidates that are interested in a position at Planned Parenthood are required to apply through the official website which is frequently updated.1 Along with recruiting, IT efforts are further integrated in the management of human resources functions through Paycor, a software used for sharing vital information to the entire organization along with payroll processing and timekeeping.* Shifting workforce demographics has impacted human resources functions to support the needs, values and lifestyles of different cultures by a workforce diversity plan.* The organization is not only national but global in nature, providing care to thousands of patients of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.1 In order to relate to consumers, the organization embraces diversity through its mission and its employees.1 The importance of human resources highly correlates to goals and objectives of the organization. The responsibility of human resources is extremely crucial to the organization, composing of highly trained professionals who possess knowledge in employee management. Currently, the global division is based in Latin America and Africa, providing services throughout 13 countries.1 The human resources function also provides support to employees working in foreign countries.* Continuous efforts in monitoring international concerns and policies ensure

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