Plato's Realm Of Forms Analysis

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How can you classify forms according to Plato? According to Plato’s Theory of Forms, the physical world isn’t necessarily the real world, rather reality exists beyond the physical world. There are two realms; the physical realm and the Realm of Forms. The physical realm consists of material things we come into contact with in our daily lives and is changing and far from perfect. On the other hand, the Realm of Forms exists beyond the physical realm. The Theory of Forms declares that the physical realm is only image or copy of the true reality of the Realm of Forms. Forms are abstract, flawless, unchanging concepts or ideals that transcend time and space and they exist within the Realm of Forms. Although the forms are abstract, that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. Plato actually thought of them as more real than any individual physical object. For instance, we can see a blue shirt or marker, but we’ve never seen the color blue itself. Blue in and of itself does not actually exist as its own entity in the physical world, even if we all know …show more content…

For instance, when we refer to something as real, we are acknowledging how imperfect it is or very relatable. In other words, sometimes flaws are more relatable because they make something or someone imperfect. This is because we are imperfect and our lives consist of flaws due to the physical realm. Therefore, that form or ideal is very hard to relate to because it is completely perfect. We all might differently define perfection, but most of us can agree that it isn’t common or a norm. Thus I acknowledge that forms only exist in the world beyond the physical one and that is why it is quite difficult to relate to them. Since the physical world is far from perfect, we must steer away from focusing on ideals. However, our goals must be an ideal or form because even though, you may never achieve it, it will help you complete it to the best of your