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Plessy v. ferguson case full document
The controversy of plessy vs ferguson
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Plessy v Fergusen was yet another court case where “separate but equal” was not implementing equality. It showed that they still thought of Black men and women as being less and not deserving the same rights as the White men. Homer Plessy was a free man, that was mainly White and because of a percentage he had of being Black he was treated as a Black man. He tried to sit in the train car of the White men and much like Rosa Parks was asked to go to the back where the Black men belonged in a different car. This case resulted in the Supreme Court defending the decision of the East Louisiana Railroad stating that they weren't violating any law by the ruling they had.
Chaseng Xiong Blount 4th Period 3/14/18 Plessy Vs. Ferguson The case of Plessy Vs. Ferguson took place in the Old Louisiana State Capitol.
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (U.S. 1896) gave states the legal right to require persons of different races to use separate but equal segregated facilities. But that ruling was struck down in the landmark case of Brown v. Bd. of Educ. , 347 U.S. 483 (U.S. 1954), In that case the court held that separate but equal public schools based on race is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and is unconstitutional. In upholding that decision, Cooper v. Aaron held that state governments must comply with Supreme Court rulings and court orders based on the its interpretation of the
Plessy vs. Ferguson was a case that attempted to prove that the Jim Crow lawintervened with the fourteenth amendment in May 18, 1896. To give you a brief description about the Fourteenth Amendment, The Fourteenth Amendment was ratified on July 9, 1868 in the US Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment broad goal was to ensure that the Civil Rights Act passed in 1866 would remain valid ensuring that "all persons born in the United States..." people that are born in the United States of America are given citizenship. Also, born citizenship provides "full and equal benefit of all laws."
To understand the question, focusing on the court cases of Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education, we must first understand each court case on its own. Plessy v. Ferguson resulted in the year 1896. The case involved the 1890s Louisiana law that basically stated that there were separate railway carriages that were specifically labeled for blacks only and whites only. Plessy v. Ferguson involved Homer Plessy, who was seven-eighths white and one-eighth black and appeared to look like a white man. Plessy took an open seat in a white only railway car.
The term separate but equal began to become coined as an okay method of segregation and was practiced in many schools. That phrase was determined constitutional in the a Supreme court case Plessy v. Ferguson. Later on, after legal battles by american people, it was determined, in Brown v. Board of Education, that separate was not equal and it was deemed unconstitutional. But this overturn would never have happened without the voices of opposing people. These voices caused the government to change and to protect the people.
Ferguson case was passed in 1896. “This decision approved segregation of the races as being consistent with the 14th amendment and formulated the doctrine of "separate but equal" facilities. It served as a legal basis for segregation in education. The case arose when one Homer A. Plessy, who was 7/8ths caucasian and 1/8th negro, was arrested for entering a railroad coach reserved for whites and refusing to sit in a segregated couch for negroes. The court, speaking through Justice Henry B Brown, found that these "separate but equal accommodations" satisfied the demands of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
For nearly a century, the United States was occupied by the racial segregation of black and white people. The constitutionality of this “separation of humans into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life” had not been decided until a deliberate provocation to the law was made. The goal of this test was to have a mulatto, someone of mixed blood, defy the segregated train car law and raise a dispute on the fairness of being categorized as colored or not. This test went down in history as Plessy v. Ferguson, a planned challenge to the law during a period ruled by Jim Crow laws and the idea of “separate but equal” without equality for African Americans. This challenge forced the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of segregation, and in result of the case, caused the nation to have split opinions of support and
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896, 163 US 537) For centuries people of African descent have suffered of inhumane treatment, discrimination, racism, and segregation. Although in the United States, and in other countries, mistreatment and marginalization towards African descendants has stopped, the racism and discriminations has not.
The supreme court case of Plessy v Ferguson encouraged the Civil Rights to occur because black people wanted to have the experience of being served equally. In 1892 Homer Plessy, a 1/8th black 7/8th white man, was jailed for sitting in a railroad car that was designated only for whites, however in court he stated that the state law was unconstitutional. John Ferguson a Criminal District Judge ruled against him and consequently the case was taken to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court upheld the Louisiana law requiring restaurants, hotels,
Plessy was arrested and then tried before Judge Ferguson in a New Orleans court. Ferguson upheld the state law that legalized “equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races” on trains (Plessy v. Ferguson- History). Plessy argued that this violated his 13th and 14th amendment rights and the case was taken to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1896, the Supreme Court decided in a 7-1 vote that the state-imposed segregation law was in fact constitutional and that it didn’t violate the equal protection laws of the 14th Amendment (Plessy v. Ferguson- Oyez).
Supreme Court Decisions Setting Precedent Discrimination may not seen as big a problem today, but people had to fight for that problem, and court cases set precedents for today. The case of Plessy versus Ferguson and Brown versus Board of Education helped change the way we view discrimination today. The case of Plessy versus Ferguson decided that segregation was legal as long as everything was equal. But on the other hand, Brown versus Board of Education included separate but equal schools made African-American children feel inferior to the white children. 1896, Supreme Court heard the Plessy versus Ferguson case.
In the year of 1896, the court case Plessy v. Ferguson made a huge issue of racism; segregation. The court upheld a Louisiana state law requiring public places such as hotels, hospitals, and restaurants to separate people by skin color. Because, the Supreme Court made a decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson that decided it was constitutional as long as they were separate but equal. This made people believe that white people have a higher standard than colored, putting colored people second class due to segregation.
In 1892, an African American man, Homer Plessy was arrested for refusing to give up his seat on a bus to a white man. Plessy sued on behalf of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause but lost the case. In a landmark decision his case, Plessy v. Ferguson, became famous for upholding the separate but equal clause. In 1954 Linda Brown, and other African American children were told that they could not attend local segregated schools because they were black.
These decisions also made it so job discrimination in federally funded programs were not allowed. In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court announced a resolution that changed the way students went to school. At the end of the Brown v. Board of Education case, the Supreme Court said that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal" (Morrison 19). Chief Justice Earl Warren said, "We conclude that in the field of public education, the doctrine of separate but equal has no place" (Somervill