Nsw Police Force Essay

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The NSW Police Force (NSWPF) are expected to comply with the ideals and expectations outlined in legislation and policy documents. These documents provide ethical, moral and legal principles to shape the decision-making process of police in the execution of their duty. This essay will discuss the failures of police to comply with these principles in dealing with potential juvenile offenders in the scenario. It will do this by examining their actions with reference to NSW legislation and relevant police force policy documents, discretionary powers and their application in the scenario, and communication techniques which could have had a more positive impact while complying with the directives of the NSWPF. Firstly, in the scenario the police …show more content…

The officers failed to consider the broader context and potential ramifications of their actions. It could be argued that alternatives, such as engaging with the youths, building a rapport and educating them, as well as treating them with respect and fairness, rather than escalating the situation and disparaging the character of the youths, could allow officers to not only comply with policy and legislation, but also more effectively police their community by building positive relationships, channels of communication, and reduction of future crime (Chan, Bargen, Luke and Clancey 1997). However, these alternatives require the appropriate use of discretion which the officers failed to …show more content…

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