Marxism In Angola

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In Anthropolithic age, the population in Angola is very scarce. During the first millennium, iron products manufacturing and agriculture have spread, but hunting and gathering continued to hold an important position in Angola, which lasted for several centuries. After Bantu migrants from the north, the iron technology entered Angola.
In the 15th century, the Portuguese explorer Diogo Cao reached Angola, After that time, the Portuguese had established relations with the Kingdom of Kongo. The Portuguese found their principal of early trading post at Soyo, which now forms the northernmost city in Angola apart from the Cabinda enclave. In 1575, Paulo Dias de Novais set up the Luanda with a hundred families of settlers and four hundred soldiers. …show more content…

The FNLA has by the late 1980s declined in importance. The rivals now are the MPLA, led by José dos Santos since the death of Neto in 1979; and UNITA, still under the control of its founder, Jonas Savimbi.
From 1989 there are several attempts by the two men to achieve a ceasefire. A solution is made easier when the MPLA decides to give up Marxism-Leninism and the one-party state. An agreement is reached in 1991 on a new constitution, the merging of the two rival armies and the holding of multiparty elections.
After several decades years of civil war, Jonas Savimbi was killed in combat, which leads to ceasing of war fire. The political situation of the country began to stabilize, regular democratic processes were not established before the Elections in Angola in 2008 and 2012 and the adoption of a new Constitution of Angola in 2010, all of which strengthened the prevailing Dominant-party system.

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In coastal regions of Angola (the western of Angola), Christianity have a long history. A Christian church was established in the Kongo region by the end of the fifteenth century. It is unclear how many residents are Christian; the Roman Catholic Church figures range from 38 percent to 68 percent. Another 15 to 20 percent belong to Protestant denominations, such as Methodist, Baptist, and African churches. For many people there is no contradiction between Christian faith and aspects of African religions. Thus, religious specialists such as diviners and healers hold an important position in society. Angolans government has conflict with religious leaders frequent, because the Roman Catholic Church has great influence and was associated with Portuguese colonialism, which leads the relations with the faith have been especially