Political Ideology Essay The political ideology quiz the class took places me as a statist; but I also support a few conservative beliefs over a few statist ones. I believe that political ideologies help to identify people who come from different places in the world and who have different beliefs. Political ideologies also help people who have the same beliefs come together and inspire new ideas that fit with their ways of life. To me, my political belief does not drop me into one single category; it puts me into several different groups. For example, I agree with the statist beliefs of high government control over the economy and individual freedom (i.e. gun control and drugs), but I disagree with their attempt to oppose diverse lifestyles. I understand the conservative statement of …show more content…
One case of child labor is when the parents take a loan to be able to support the family, and cannot pay it back. They then send the child to work for the benefactor they took the loan from until the child has paid back the amount of money in labor. The master of the child also has to provide clothes, shelter, and food for the child, which the child then also has to pay back, making this cycle of child labor an almost never-ending one. To combat this cycle, the statist community has come up with a few ideas to help this cause. Children whose wages are needed to support the family could be paid by the government to go to school to replenish the money needed. The family would then be able to survive without the need for the child to work, and in return, the child could support the parents later on in life when they retire. As you can see from the ideas above, child labor could be preventable, and many children's lives could be saved from this never-ending cycle. Overall, I believe that my political ideology is good for the world because with strong government control, less crazy maniacs would be able to