
Political Science Class Analysis

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Throughout the course of this Political Science class, I have learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before. This class made me more aware of the things that happen in our government and country. This class made me realize how much things go on on a daily basis. There are many different agents of socialization. Socialization is the process during which we learn about social expectations and how to interact with other people. The four most common agents in our lives are family, school, peers, and media. The most important is family. The family is the most important because most kids will usually follow what their parents believe(Long-Crowell). Babies and toddler learn completely from their parents and older siblings. Parents are responsible for teaching us to take care of ourselves while everyone else teaches us about relationships. …show more content…

Another big factor is the school where we get taught life skills like following directions and meeting deadlines. Our peers and media also play a role in how we act and believe because what others tell you will probably believe them. My first political memory that I can recall is when Barack Obama became president. I identify myself as a Republican. I identify myself as a Republican because of my religion, the way I was brought up and what I believe. I believe it is wrong that people just get what they want when they shouldn’t. People should have to work for what they get. I think that gay marriage is wrong along with abortion. I also think that everyone should be taxed the same including the wealthy. I think that the Republican party is pretty strong and it will remain that way competing with the Democrats for a long time. I do not see the Republican party fading away anytime

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