Poseidon: The Greek God Of The Sea

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I chose to write my blog about the greek god of the sea,Poseidon.His name in Greek means “husband.” Poseidon also goes by the name of Neptune.He is the god of the sea and protector of all aquatic animals. Just like the Neptune you see in Spongebob. In some stories it is believed that Poseidon, like Zeus, was not swallowed by Cronus,his father,because his mother Rhea hid himand pretended to have given birth to a colt, which was devoured by Cronos instead.he is the brother of Zeus and Hades . he is married to ampitrie on o the granddaughter of the titan oceanus. Poseidon is the creator of the first horse.He create many variety of animals in order to wue Demeter but his interest for her soon dwindled in his attempts to please her. Poseidon