
Positive And Negative Effects Of Immigration On The United States

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Immigration can impose several positive and negative effects on the United States. Examples of positive effects include improving the job market and stimulating the economy. While two negative effects are the increased demand for public services and the possibility of overcrowding in cities. Immigration affects the economy because it generates tax revenue and there are more people spending money in our economy. Immigration helps the job market because it fills entry level positions that native workers may not want and it can bring more manufacturing jobs back to the United States. One negative effect of immigration is overpopulation because it can make urban areas too full and make it difficult to find jobs and housing. The demand …show more content…

Many opposers of immigration claim that there are more negative effects rather than positive ones. According to “Immigration Facts” (2020), immigrants that came to the United States increased the country’s gross domestic product by over two trillion dollars (Economic Impact section, para. 2). This statistic demonstrates that immigrants can create a positive impact on the economy and benefit the country by increasing the country’s profit. Taxes would also be affected if there were more immigrants since more people are working. As a result, the income from taxes would increase. According to “Immigration Facts” (2020), income from taxes has raised an additional 458.7 billion dollars in revenue for the Unites States since there have been more immigrants (Economic Impact section, para. 2). The economy would improve since the government has a surplus of revenue they were not expecting. The money can be spent on infrastructure such as roads, bridges, federal buildings, and national parks. Then the taxes could be slightly more relaxed the next year since the government would have already spent extra money the previous year. “Immigration Facts” (2020) found that since the COVID-19 pandemic, the US economy needs immigrants to drive economic growth and stay competitive in the global economy (Economic Impact section, para. 2). Immigrants are benfiting the United States by helping them stay competitive in …show more content…

Infrastructure and cities in general will need to be upgraded such as roads, bridges, public transit, hospitals, and parks, to support the higher population caused by immigration. According to Puentes (2015), public transit such as buses, trains, and subways would need major upgrades if the immigration rate would continue to increase (para. 12). There would not be enough space in urban areas for every new immigrant to have their own vehicle. Therefore, a public transit system upgrade would be able to support more people and carry a bonus of helping the environment. Since the public transit system would be able to support more people, people in cities could become less dependent on cars and lower the amount of carbon emissions being released. Puentes (2015) mentions that hospitals in urban areas would not be able to handle the influx of more immigrants in their current state (para. 16). Medical care is one of the most important issues for immigrants since their home country may not have sufficient facilities and it could be difficult to get assistance from the federal government right away. It can get even worse if some of the immigrants carried any type of diseases from their home country and are not able to recieve medical care. According to Wickramage (2018), disease in urban areas could be spread much quicker since there is such a high rate of

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