Essay On Evolution Of Advertisement

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In this day and age advertisements are of great significance. It is the essential of any product or service. Advertisements can translate the idea or product or service into success by allowing the maximum number of consumers to get a chance to know about the product, in short it is one of the best modern methods to create awareness and thereby need.

Advertising, when done properly is a safe bet when to appeal to a large chunk of the target audience in one go. Advertising can be done through different modes. They are: Print medium (anything printed that is in wide circulation), outdoor medium (like billboards, promotional events and Broadcast medium (television, radio and internet). Consumer perception about a product or service is a necessary …show more content…

Advances in telecommunications has enabled business and industry to develop at a faster pace while at the same time have a huge contribution to the economic development of the nation. Good telecommunication infrastructure can be considered as an indicator of economic development. Cellular phone industry has been very profitable in Asian business markets. In 2001, China’s cell phone user base grew into 130 million users, surpassing the U.S.’s market for the first time

The evolution of advertisement can be traced back into the ancient times. Societies used symbols and pictorial signs to appeal to the product users. In the course of time these components became essential to the promotion of products. In older times advertisements were handmade and were produced at limited scale for the purpose of promotions. Later on, this phenomenon was more extensively used and added strength to product or service promotions. Nowadays in the current environment, advertisements is one of the chief instruments of communicational between the manufacturer and the user of the products or service.