Positive Directive Behaviour In Leadership Behaviour

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The effectiveness of the leadership behaviour where it may influence the motivation of the individual in an organization is to understand the impact of leadership on motivation level of employees. The significance of studying different behaviours of leadership behaviour will help the strategic level managers and employees in knowing how their motivation level is affected by the different behaviours of leadership practices. The major focus of this analysis is that leaders are one that guide its subordination or personnel in a company. If leaders appreciate and provide rewards to employees on the achievement of objectives then it results in motivation of individuals. The employee satisfaction and motivation level is a strong indicator in knowing …show more content…

Firstly is directive leadership, the positive directive leadership set out apparent objectives, clear expectations, effective instructions, coveys clear goals and guidelines to employees (Yiing and Ahmad, 2009; Euwema, Wendt and Van Emmerik, 2007; Yun, Cox and Sims Jr, 2006). The leaders with directive behaviour act as a guide to the employees by practicing quick decision making skills and having a thorough check on the processes, this gives the employees the support that if their actions go wrong, they will be supported by the leaders and the leaders will act as a guiding force to them. This leadership sets out an unambiguous expectation towards individuals and provide proper directions. Directive leadership increase satisfaction and reduce stress for individuals and hence they become motivated towards organization. The negative influence of directive leadership is that it diminishes creativity of employees. Also, directive leadership reduce employee empowerment as tasks are imposed on every employee. Therefore these components have adverse influence on motivation of workers in an organization. The directive leadership is not recognized as beneficial because it discourages employee participation (Gopal and Chowdhury, 2014; Gooraki, Noroozi, Marhamati and Behzadi, 2013; Melchar and Bosco, …show more content…

Participative leadership are take heed of advice from employees (Huang, Iun, Liu and Gong, 2010; Somech, 2005). Participative leadership involves employee empowerment and allowing employees to participate in decision making. The positive influences of this leadership strategy are it enhances productivity and increase quality of organizations products, operations, process etc. Besides this, the satisfaction level of employees will increase in this leadership technique. The negative influence of this specific strategy is that it involves issues of security. Participative leadership can waste management’s time and bring threat to company’s information for allowing all employees to participate in management and decision making. The participative leadership is useful for enhancing morale of personnel through employee empowerment and employee participation; positively impact on employees’ motivation (Nader, 2011; Silva, Nascimento and Galvao,