Positive Effects Of The Mongolian Empires

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The Mongolian Empire, founded by Genghis Khan in the early 13th century, was one of the most powerful empires in history. While the empire is often remembered for its military conquests and brutal tactics, it also had many positive effects on the areas it conquered. The Mongolian Empire is one of the most profound empires in the world’s history. This essay is about all of the good things that the Mongolian Empire did for the world. The Mongolian Empire created one of the biggest trade routes in the world spanning from Mongolia through all of Europe. They also did a lot more good things while they were in power. One of the things they did when they conquered civilization was let them have religious freedom and protected travel. Here are some more …show more content…

If they agreed to pay taxes to the Mongols they would be protected by the Mongols. Although they were one of the most feared empires ever they were nice to the people who surrendered to them. Some of the other positive things that the Mongols did was support trade throughout Asia and Europe. If the Mongols didn’t make people pay taxes it wouldn’t be as recognized today and if we didn’t have taxes then we wouldn’t have good roads to drive on. Another thing that taxes are good for is for people that can’t afford medical assistants, if people couldn’t afford medical assistants then people would either be suffering, dying or, there would be more homeless people than ever because they would be spending all of their money on medical needs. The final reason that taxes are a good thing is for the veterans that don’t have a place to live or things that they need when they get back from overseas. Most of the tax dollars go towards a plethora major health programs that help people that can’t afford surgeries or other procedures on their own such as Medicare and