The Terrible Long Term Effects Of The Mongols

870 Words4 Pages

Taggart Finch
Miss Toone
Language Arts 5
14 April 2023

The Horrible Long-Term effect of the Mongols
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”― Genghis Khan(Goodreads). Genghis Khan was a powerful and evil emperor whose kingdom was founded in 1206(Britannica). This is the brutal kingdom of the Mongols and the long-term effects they had on many people. The Mongols killed millions by wars and diseases. And here are some reasons to tell you why the Mongolian Empire had an awful long-term effect.
The Mongolian Empire wanted power and the way to obtain power is to conquer kingdoms and to do that you need to brutally kill millions of people. The Mongolian Empire wanted …show more content…

The Mongolian Empire was crucial in some ways to helping the world to change. Moreover, they changed the world in a more brutal manner, such as by the fact that millions of people died couldn't they just do it more peacefully than bloodshed? The Mongolian Empire helped people to trade more often. The Mongolian Empire reopened the silk road and helped the renaissance to come into effect. The Mongolian Empire helped the world to start a renaissance(Britannica). Still they did it brutally and inhumanly by tossing plague bodies over a wall and making citizens flee which led to them reaching other parts of the world and spreading it. And by murdering innocent people for land and power. Nevertheless the Mongolian Empire was crucial; they had to destroy kingdoms and brutally murder people for the reopening of the silk road(Britannica). The Mongolian Empire helped the renaissance by getting other people the plague(World History Encyclopedia). The Mongolian Empire threw infected bodies over walls to win a fight which caused millions of other people to die(World History Encyclopedia). The Mongolian Empire helped the world although they did in a more aggressive way not in a peaceful and calm way. In conclusion the Mongolian Empire helped the world to change still they did it in a more brutal

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