Positive Power Talk For The 4th Conference

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I have discovered by experience that preparation and anticipation (i.e., pre-performance routines, for example) have been the hallmark characteristics of my ability to maintain control of my thoughts. Using the handouts during the lesson would be one form of preparation. I would recommend the athletes complete the self-talk handouts which allows the athlete to create their own motivational and instructional self-talk words for the process, performance, and outcome phases plus a list of words to use to help them persevere during setbacks, mistakes, errors, or during the last few minutes of a competition, for example. Positive power talk is what I have called these words and teaching the athlete to start using these words when they anticipate having an emotional reaction during a heated moment would possibly divert the situation to the positive side early and negate the negative. In addition, the handouts have an area for the athlete to write their own self-talk script and words of affirmation plus list their favorite songs and images that could be used to facilitate positive and strength-based thoughts. Positive Power Talk for the 4th quarter Positive Power Talk for the 4th quarter is a systematic three-step process that can be used for any sport (e.g., for use in the last quarter, inning, lap, climb, or last …show more content…

Confirm, Challenge, & Correct: If the thoughts are aligned with the athlete’s goals, are positive, and providing them with the proper fuel to complete the process, then continue in the present moment with increased motivation. If the thoughts are negative in nature (e.g., could end up producing performance debilitating anxiety, anger, worry or fear (Lodato, 2017)) and leading them to overthink a situation with the potential to become channelized and fixated on irrelevant (e.g., ideas and feeling (Lodato, 2017) from the past moment, present situation, or desired future outcome that are not aligned with the current process), then quickly

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