Post Traumatic Amnesia Essay

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Cerebellum Damage and Traumatic Effects
The functions of the cerebellum in the human brain include cognitive roles (regulating emotions, speech), and motor coordination. An important function of this part of the brain is processing of procedural memories. Physical injury to the brain in the event of an accident may lead to cerebellar damage and subsequently, predispose the victim(s) to Post-traumatic Amnesia. The latter is manifested through various symptoms, such as temporary loss of consciousness and even concussion. The duration and effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) depend on the severity of the accident. Victims of this trauma are neither able to recall the events that occurred immediately after the accident, nor to coordinate events effectively for some time.
Impact of Post-traumatic Amnesia
Post-traumatic Amnesia occurs at the time of the injury and persists even in the absence of confusion. It severely affects one’s ability to recall recent events. In most cases, the victims tend to lose memory of day-to-day events. Post-traumatic amnesia can be illustrated through an incident involving a road accident. In this case, I only remember a few events after the accident, such as breaking the rear window of the vehicle, attempting to rescue the occupants, and regaining consciousness after two weeks.
Treatment Solution Occupational therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating amnesia. The treatment is a remedial action to complications ranging from perception, to vision, cognitive skills, and motion of upper extremities of the brain (Nott, Melissa, et al. p.4). In this program, the cell and body memories were synchronized with the brain by integrating the …show more content…

“Effective occupational therapy intervention with adults demonstrating agitation during post-Traumatic amnesia.” Brain Injury, vol. 22, no. 9, 24 May 2008, pp. 669–683.