Compare And Contrast Gillette And Starbucks

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One way to describe internalizing is when multinational corporations do transactions inside their own company. There is lots of reasons why internalizing is profitable for example if transaction costs are high internalizing might be a good solution to lower costs. Competition in the market is intense because there is so many companies that produce same kind of products and are competing over the same costumers. One competitive advantage is low price but that also means if company wants to make profit they must also have low costs. Following text is about two multinational corporations Gillette and Starbucks corporation that have internalize their operations.

Gillette produces safety razors and has been founded in 1901 by King C. Gillette. …show more content…

There is no unified theory of postmodern ethics. Postmodern ethics despises rationalization and scientific methods, they rather trust on opinions. Postmodern ethics teaches that moral is human’s personal matter. It is not a list of traditional values. They are against national boundaries and blaims nationalism of wars. Postmodern ethics urges people to step outside of itself. Hatami (2016) says that postmodern ethics wants to improve modern ethics and its is a response to it.

Postmodern ethics blaims western society of destruction of nature. Many of multinational enterprises represents consumptioning. They want to produce as many products as possible and as cheap as possible. That often leads to use of child labor and causing harm to environment. For example multinational enterprise Nike has been accused of using child labor, bad work conditions and cheap labor. Nike doesn’t care about corporate resbonsibilities and their moral actions are very questionable. Postmodern ethics are about law of difference, not about universal law and in case Nike it doesn’t separate wrong and wright from each other. Nike is famous of producing it products in developing countries and paying too little salary. Nike has also been accused of neglecting the human rights. For example Pakistan have laws against child labor but they are not doing anything to supervise those laws. The world’s …show more content…

It does harm to human’s body, it causes lots of garbage in the water and to whole nature, it causes forest fires and it polluts the air. Cigarettes causes five million death annually but the bigger damage is the damage to environment. Smoking causes lots of poisons that goes in to the atmoshphere. Producing cigarettes also involves lots of toxic ingredients for example use of fertilizers that can pollute environment especially in low income countries where regulatory standards are low. Forests are being harvested because of making tobacco.

For example in Indonesia over 1,5 million children are working in a cigarette farms. Youngest children are only 8 years old. Children are exposed to nicotine and other toxics. Children are getting headaches and vomiting because of nicotine. It can also affect on their brain development. Tobaco companies doesn’t care about that because they are making profits. One of the largest tobacco manufacturers are owned by PT Hanjaya and PT bentoel international investama, both of them are multinational companies that are working also in