Poverty is defined thoroughly explained in this article. Various types of poverty (i.e. economic, human, and multidimensional) are explained in depth and how each play a role in society today. This source is useful in that it provides detailed information on issues related to poverty. The main focus is not on the United States however, the main focus is on poor countries experiencing poverty at a higher rate. The goal of this article is to inform readers on the increasing rate at which poverty has on other countries. After reading, this source encourage me to not only focus on poverty in America, but in other locations also.
Mowafi, M., and M. Khawaja. “Poverty”. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-) 59.4 (2005): 260–264. Web.
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Poverty at one point did not account for children but now it does. Data was analyzed and record it within the article to provide these results. The source was useful because it explained how child race and poverty had an effect on health and the relationship they had with one another. In addition in relating race and poverty to child health, this article provides accurate data results with possible solutions on reducing poverty within children.
Malat, Jennifer, Hyun Joo Oh, and Mary Ann Hamilton. “Poverty Experience, Race, and Child Health”. Public Health Reports (1974-) 120.4 (2005): 442–447. Web.
The main argument presented is how to reduce poverty within an environment. Different poverty options (alleviation, reduction, and elimination) are explained. Ways to limit poverty will are described by using various techniques. This source is useful because it provides theories on how to eliminate poverty worldwide. Readers are informed on how poverty takes over our countries at an alarming rate and what we need to do to prevent the spread.
Toye, John. “Poverty Reduction”. Development in Practice 17.4/5 (2007): 505–510. Web.
United States