Power In Bluebeard's Castle

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Humans have an innate desire for power. Most often, they look for it in relationships and social position. Like all things, having authority offers temporary pleasure. The amount of power one might possess usually parallels their own self-perception and how they interact with others. People usually look to gain power when they lack control in their own lives. In the same way, serial killers seek to gain power. In Bela Bartók’s opera Bluebeard’s Castle, Bluebeard, a man of great affluence, is unsatisfied with his material wealth. Having a blue beard, he is feared by many; “Bluebeard’s monstrous growth of a shadowy color mark[s] him as an outsider and libertine.”(Perrault) The insecurities Bluebeard possesses due to his unappealing physical appearance