Pre Socrates Research Paper

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St.Petersburg College

Socrates, amongst many other brilliant philosophers, has left a significant impact on multiple aspects of life and has changed philosophy inevitably. The many Pre-Socratic philosophers before him vary in teachings and made a contribution in Socrates way of thinking and life. Socrates than laid the foundation for the philosophers there after him. In this essay I will contrast those Pre-Socrates and several others that came after Socrates and explain why he has become the model for the philosopher's way, as his actions and ideas have made a life-long impact amongst many.

The Pre-Socratic philosophers arose between 600 and 500 B.C.E and helped shape the values embodied in Greek religion which in …show more content…

Some to mention, Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Democritus, Jaspers, and Thrasymachus. Plato was a student of Socrates and disbursed most of his work through writings including the Apology which explains the trial and execution of Socrates and he also wrote The Republic. Now although Plato "for the most part was committed to Socrates view of the essence of the self-the soul",(Chaffee,2016) he emphasizes more on his own theories of the soul. Another student of Socrates is Xenophon. He also has many works and biographies on him. There are many more modern philosophers including Rene Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, and Sigmund Freud whom also have made major contributions in Philosophy and differ from Socrates on levels of study. Immanuel Kant's, Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical reason are two works presented by him that go into detail regarding Kant’s most important philosophical Enlightenments. In his works, "he argues that the world that we know is structured by the way that we perceive and think about the world. Reason is universal and objective but our understanding and imagination shape the way we experience the world." (Muller, 1881) The study of Epistemology, metaphysics, genuine knowledge, and truths are offered from different aspects and levels from all