Preamble Declaration Of Independence Essay

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The Preamble to the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence are documents that helped turn early America into the great country we know today. The importance of these documents revolved around the idea of protecting the citizens and working as one nation, in away they are the morals of our country. The first sentence of paragraph 3 of the Declaration talks about the King of Britain neglecting the needs of his people. Some might say that this sentence is compelling to modern America because of how our political issues are currently being handled. Others might argue that the preamble is a better example because it gives examples of what the government and political leaders should be doing. This is true because unlike the Declaration, …show more content…

Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterities. These morals included in the Preamble, in other words, says that in order for the constitution and this government to work we need to follow these ideas. The preamble relates more to modern day America more than the Declaration of Independence. This is because even if we had a good or bad political leader it serves its purpose to remind the people of the country that they should be getting fair treatment from the government. In the sentence, it says “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” (Madison, D.O.I) Some might say, because of a certain president they don’t agree, that this sentence is more compelling to modern America. This would be a good point but, the president doesn't have all of the power and everything that happens or changes is a result of the multiple branches. This relates more to the earlier settlers of America because they are speaking of the British King of that time and were declaring