
President Barack Obama's Turning Point In History

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Our history of out country developing was very, very rocky. It took a lot of courageous people with a strong belief in independence and freedom to break away from one of the most powerful countries in America at that time. Strong leaders are elected her fairly and under the direction of a Republic, where people vote for representatives to decide what is best for our country. Throughout our entire history, presidents have done their best to improve our country the best ways they think they can. Despite all of this, and despite the fact I think all of our past presidents we're great, the one I believe was the best was our president, Barack Obama. When Obama was elected president, it was a huge turning point in history: "The victory was heralded as the arrival of a “post-racial” America, one in which the nation’s original sin of racial slavery …show more content…

When we had our first black president in America history, something that people only decades ago would have laughed at the idea of, the world changed. When Obama was elected president, it was a huge turning point in history: "The victory was heralded as the arrival of a “post-racial” America, one in which the nation’s original sin of racial slavery and post-Reconstruction Jim Crow discrimination had finally been absolved by the election of a black man as commander in chief," (Joseph). I only lived when the world changed, because I practically grew up knowing Obama as our president. Obama was inspiring, not only for black Americans, but for all other races as well. Racism was something I never knew about until the third grade and I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that people could hate another person simply for their race. Obama quoted after the Charlottesville rally, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion,"

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