Pride Definition Essay

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Pride is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Pride can be both negative and positive but has a wide history. The word pride has been used in a negative way, describing as arrogant and vein. Famous people look down on those who aren’t famous and talk about them in a negative way. They believe that they are the bigger person because they are more wealthy or famous. Pride isn’t always a negative trait to have but it will describe you as a person.

In the mind of children, pride is what causes them to be confident and learn. This is necessary to have positive self-esteem. Children need that satisfaction of knowing when they do something correct they need those around them to congradulate them. Pride will show positive characteristics in our life. In artice 1, it says “Self-worth is a function of living with dignity, which exists apart from any accomplishments”. Their self, should be proud of what …show more content…

Lifestyle reflects who you are as a person and what you take pride in. If someone is invested in the way they live they have pride. Some find pride in going out all the time to special events and showing off the money they have. This is an example of negative pride. In article 1 it says, “Pride is often driven by poor self-worth and shame. We feel so badly about ourselves that we compensate by feeling superior. We look for others’ flaws as a way to conceal our own limitations. We’re not shy to critize others as a defense againstmrecognizing our own shortcomings”. The whole idea of pride is based on who you are as a person and the choices you make. Those who find wealth as the best type of pride don’t really understand whats its like to work for something and earn it. Some people choose the wrong path and can not take pride, to the mistake they have