Democratic Principles Of Humanism

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Humanism is about maximizing the safety, well-being and potential prosperity of all people in our society; putting emphasis on human values, on human rights and on humane behaviour towards each other. It is the notion that only through reason, respect, empathy and compassion we can create a more beneficial society for all, with justice and equality. It is a set of principles that can appeal to the whole of society regardless of their personally held religious beliefs or atheism as it is about designing society, through optimising human collaboration, around what benefits us all in this life, here and now, in the shared social space. In today 's climate, financial meltdown, global pollution, corruption of the democratic process, inequality across society, we need, more than ever, a plan for our collective future, for our very survival, for our continued well-being and for the opportunity to prosper in all segments of our society. This democratic values and principles should be the political philosophy, economic model and vision for a better world; this is democratic Humanism . …show more content…

Humanism aims at the full development of every human being
2. Humanists uphold the broadest application of democratic principles in all human relationships
3. Humanists advocate the use of the scientific method, both as a guide to distinguish fact from fiction and to help develop beneficial and creative uses of science and