The Importance Of Communicative Language Learning

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Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language teaching which supports the development of learners' abilities to use language fluently and meaningfully. The main function of CLT is teaching communicative competence (Richards, 2005). According to Richards (2005), communicative competence means using language for different purposes and functions, modifying language use according to settings and participants, producing and understanding different text types and continuing communication with limitations in language.
Principles of CLT:
There are many principles of CLT that basically focus on communication. Richards (2005) indicated that the principles of CLT are: language learning focus on real communication, learners …show more content…

This importance of communicative tasks, according to (McDonough& Mackey, 2000), as a result of SLA researches that some processes that happen during conversational interaction may ease second language learning. In addition, implementing communicative tasks that focus on these processes may give learners the opportunity to focus on linguistics forms in the context of meaning (McDonough& Mackey, 2000).
Reason for choosing the three principles:
Writing about CLT comes from my experience of working with EFL Omani learners grades nine & one. My learners had difficulties producing language orally even though they received substantial input. Reading about CLT made me conscious of its potential for addressing the difficulty in communication that my students had and this is what led me to search about the principles that I've chosen.
I will give my own perspective on the use of authentic language, use of games and expressing thoughts and ideas in EFL classrooms. Additionally, I will offer evidence to support my position from literature. My choice of principles is showed in appendix 1. I believe that understanding these principles would allow me to support my learners effectively in their attempts to speak English. Moreover, searching about my chosen principles will help me implement some of them effectively in my teaching to receive great …show more content…

Games make teachers use creative ways to make complicated ideas more understandable and relevant to learners and also break the routine. Games create interest and excitement in learning by making competitions. English language games boost learning and create a wonderful atmosphere and make learners active participants and have a funny learning experience Ara (2009).
I believe that words in the games will be stored in students' minds and can be naturally recalled during oral communication. Furthermore, Games encourage the ability to use language naturally and without conscious effort.
Playing games give learners a reason to communicate to achieve an outcome and the purpose of playing (Ara, 2009). English language games provide learners with cause for communication and a context where they can practice speaking skills (Ara, 2009).
I faced some instances when students were tired and reluctant to learn anything. At such time, I introduced a vocabulary game to them that broke the monotony and definitely involved and inspired the students to participate in the activities even the lazy ones. Also, the game I used provided opportunities for students to participate and created excitement between learners which led to better participation and