
Process Essay About How To Get A Date Analysis

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You thought that by this point in your life, you would not have to worry about trying to get a date with a woman. You assumed that you would have it all figured out. Like, you would just get to a point where you know what to do, almost by instinct. Unfortunately, it just does not seem to be working out that way. No matter what you do and how hard you try... you just seem to draw a blank whenever you see a woman you would like to go out on a date with. It seems like there are some important steps that you are missing out on.

It's quite okay to feel a little confused about trying to get a date with a woman. There is lots of conflicting advice that you get, and it seems like everyone thinks that they know what the proper way to get a date is, but none of those steps seem to be working out for you. …show more content…

You need to wait until you gain a certain level of familiarity with her.

Now, when I say that you need to wait, I am not talking about days or weeks or months. Just moments. The thing is, most women are not going to go on a date until they FEEL like they know a guy. Well, you can make her feel as if she does really know you by gaining a certain level of familiarity with her. Some guys make the mistake of never asking a woman out, and that is not a good thing. On the other hand, some guys ask too early. You need to find a balance and when you do, you will almost never hear the word NO when you ask out a woman on a date.

2. You have to learn how to create instant attraction in a woman.

The quicker you can make a woman feel those sparks when she looks at you, the quicker you can ask her out and hear her say the word, YES. Instant attraction is not a myth, but it certainly does not happen all of the time. You have to find a way to create the sensation of instant attraction, because when it does... then you can have a much higher success rate than the average man

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