Process Essay: How To Change The American Education System

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How to Change the American Education System
It has been proven by numerous studies that America has continually not reached the top ten in the most intelligent students and people in general. Most of the studies show that the United States is as low as 17th in the categories of math and science and reading comprehension. This is astonishing considering the amount of money that is spent on the ever-growing education system in place.
Which brings up the question: what do we need to change about our current system in order to improve our rank in these subjects?
I have spent over a decade in school and have noticed quite a few things that we do differently than at schools that others have observed in other countries. Now, that I have begun the admissions process to college, I have also noticed some grave differences between the US and other nations. What about these differences give us the disadvantage when it comes to our ability to solve problems?
The last question that comes to mind when …show more content…

That is just not fair because some subjects tend to have less work to do at home than others. I agree with Justin Strudler who wrote “Grades Limit My Learning” in that all subjects are important in their own sense and some, like the arts, are being overshadowed by the dominant core subjects like math and science. This creates an inequality between the subjects that do not give as much homework and that is an issue that needs to be addressed in this era of education. I have learned throughout my courses at my high school that there is as much to be learned in electives as there is in core subjects. That is why I attempt to find subjects that interest me and that may end up being something I might want to pursue in the future. It may be like this for me, but not always for people around the

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