According to there is approximately 20 to 30 million human trafficking victims worldwide currently. These countless of slaves experienced the phenomenon of Grooming in order for the abuser/pimps can attain effective control of their hostages. The definition of groom is, "a tactic of overcoming the survivor 's defenses by slowly desensitizing his or her natural reaction to abusive behaviors... Grooming works by mixing positive behaviors with the elements." (Source 3)
The process of Grooming is usually executed in stages. The stages are compiled of six distinct levels: first Identifying and targeting the victim, second gaining trust and access, third filling the need, fourth isolation, fifth sexualizing the relationship, sixth
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These 7 tips are what not to do avoid falling victim to grooming techniques used by abusers: " First don 't trust too soon, or share too much with someone you 've only just met, Secondly, don 't fall for false flattery, or verbal seduction, Third don 't compromise your boundaries, Fourth, don 't allow yourself to be isolated from others against your own better judgement, Fifth, don 't blame yourself for now the other person is behaving, Sixth, don 't stay in the room if that situation becomes physically, verbally, or emotionally unhealthy, and finally seventh, don 't go it alone or keep what you are experiencing a secret." (Source 6) These 7 tips allows potential victims to gain the upper hand when it comes to the power and control dynamics of a new relationship that abusers seek to exploit in the beginning of the …show more content…
Many people believe that they would never fall victim to human trafficking, but unbeknownst to them there are many victims who are susceptible to grooming techniques are," men, women, children, young adults, the middle-aged, the elderly. The lonely and the emotionally compromised. Those whose defenses are down. Anyone with soft boundaries." (Source 6) That 's why awareness should be raise when it comes to how a not to succumb to grooming techniques use