Producer Larissa Rhodes Social Dilemma

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Producer Larissa Rhodes utilizes dramatization in her documentary Social Dilemma to illustrate how Social Media creates discrimination across the globe. The documentary shows different types of effects Social Media causes. Through the films techniques such as the AI controlling and audio techniques, the writers of the documentary show the different feelings poured into it or even just shows the different effects happening.
To start of with, Social Media has a major effect on humans. Mainly on teens, Teens can progress mental health problems fairly quickly when it comes to social media. There’s different mental health that comes with it like an eating disorder , depression, an anxiety. Some people mainly girls but boys are up on the scale …show more content…

In the Netflix’s documentary Social Dilemma Jonathan Haidt states that, “suicide rates and depression among the American teenagers an pre-teenagers went up +70% and +151% respectively, once social media came into play in the 2010s. With that being said it shows the progression rate of how much social media is effecting the world today. Some individuals talk about teens even adults having a hard time to try an calm themselves an one another with the world and interactions etc. Social media has some major impacts on humans life’s. Apps can become an addiction and manipulative, no one sees this because everyone’s always nose deep in these devices. These apps are doing this on purpose to keep you into their app and for three to get payed more. No one realizes that this is the truth over theses apps.
In addition , Social Media may effect peoples mental state but they also know your every where about. The thing most see on TikTok or Facebook is a little thing called My AI( Artificial
Intelligence). Now not everyone knows about what that is or what it does but its became more known once it started popping up on others Snapchat. Most think that’s it funny to talk to …show more content…

The AI will gather individuals search history or just their activities , they will then create some sort of profile obtaining the things you like then tricking you into start liking other things that turn out to be negative. In the Netflix’s documentary Social Dilemma Jeff
Seibert states, “What I want people to know is that everything they’re doing online is being watched, is being tracked, every single action you take is carefully monitored an recorded”. With that being said it just goes to show they know your every move.
Continuing on, audio techniques are a main factor when it comes to movies, commercials , an even just a tv show. The Social Dilemma used audio background to add more feature of what they were talking about. In the Netflix’s documentary Social Dilemma Mark Crawford states, “
The music of a film serves an integral role in setting the mood an heightening the emotional atmosphere of a scene, shaping , often times subtly, the experience of the viewer.” Knowing that just goes the show the importance the background audio carries. Readers or watchers could be effected by this because the audio gives off different vibes and makes feel as if your in