Professional Standards In Nursing

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Professional Standards Mini Paper: The Practice of Nursing Professionally In British Columbia (BC), Registered Nurses (RN) and Nurse Practitioners (NP) currently hold the privilege to be a self-regulated profession through the authority of the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC) (CRNBC, 2012,p.2). Through the authority of the CRNBC, RNs and NPs are held to standards that uphold the minimum requirements regarding ethics and professional practice involving client-focused care, which are contained within the document: Professional Standards for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners (2012)(CRNBC, 2012,p.2). In total, there are four foundational standards that are compiled of many indicators, which in turn are then …show more content…

The four foundational professional standards that are required of all nurses under the authority of the CRNBC consist of: Standard 1: Professional Responsibility and Accountability; Standard 2: Knowledge-based Practice; Standard 3: Client-focused …show more content…

Even if you are doing something you believe will substantially help the patient, you are actually more likely to hurt the client by making yourself a patient and taking care away from the client. Valesia Daniels, a member of the North Carolina Nurses Association, RN and Commander (CDR) of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), was presented with a dilemma involving her obligation to professional somewhere much more dangerous that a hospital – the frontline of the ebola crisis in Liberia (Cowperthwaite, 2015, p.12). During her courageous support and fight against ebola CDR Daniels still upheld her duties as a nurse to practice professionally, despite being surrounded by death and panic. In Chris Cowperthwaite’s article “Facing Her Fears: An NCNA Member on the Front Lines of the Ebola Crisis.”, he shares a quote from CDR Daniels when she chose to stand by her obligations as a nurse when she says, “And I was like, I wanted to go back as a nurse, but I couldn’t go back for my safety. I had to get out. I had to follow protocol.” (Cowperthwaite, 2015, p.12). In this quote, CDR Daniels is referring to a moment where she had to fight the urge to rush and help somebody she knew in need, however due to protocol set in place, she had run out of time and she was required to return to the safe