Dental Nursing Unit 302 Answers

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Dental Nursing 5234: Unit 302 Written

Q1) Please summarise the professional standards of care for dental care for professionals.
There are nine principles which every dental professional has to follow:
1 Put patients’ interest first
2 Communicate effectively with patients
3 Obtain valid consent
4 Maintain and protect patients’ information
5 Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
6 Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients’ best interests
7 Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills
8 Raise concerns if patients are at risk
9 Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients’ confidence in you and the dental profession (Standards for the dental team-
Each principle is separated on the sections focusing on: what is the patient expecting, what I must do as a dental professional and guidance to help to meet the standards. The document is using words MUST (to let know reader this is compulsory) and SHOULD (to let know reader duty does not apply in rare condition). All dental professionals (dentists, therapists, nurses, dental technicians) has to be familiar with the standards and apply their knowledge and skills ethically. If dental professionals do not follow these standards, they may be removed from the register and not be able to work as a dental professional anymore.

Q2) Explain the consequences of unprofessional behaviour on…

• The professional status of a dental nurse
• The public
• The