Professionalism And Ethics In Occupational Therapy Essay

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Professionalism and Ethics in Occupational Therapy

Hannah Puckett
OCTH 6205-080: Foundations of Occupational Therapy 1
Dr. Kathryn Halstad
July 21st, 2023

Section One Professionalism is invaluable in the field of occupational therapy. Ideally, professionalism encompasses high standards with competence, accountability, and dignity. These characteristics are vital to ensure and maintain an atmosphere of expertise in health care. My personal mission as an occupational therapy student is to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide compassionate patient care for my community. This care will hopefully be able to impact individuals and families alike. Likewise, my vision for my academic and working career is to strive to not …show more content…

This standard keeps practitioners responsible in documentation, as well as maintaining knowledge about clients’ conditions during care. Substandard eight states that practitioners must maintain client confidentiality and privacy regulations (AOTA, 2021b). Client confidentiality is regulated to protect individuals as well as the practitioner. I will use this substandard to abide by all privacy regulations to protect everyone’s rights. Substandard nine details that, when needed, practitioners must be able to evaluate and redirect clients based on their needs and progression (AOTA, 2021b). This substandard will be particularly helpful as clients progress. I can use this standard to remind myself that each professional has an expertise in the best interest of the …show more content…

It is imperative that treatment plans are focused on an eventual outcome, which will aim to not require therapy indefinitely. Substandard four states that therapists must craft a safe and practical plan to transition or discontinue therapy based on clients’ abilities and progression (AOTA, 2021b). This standard will be helpful to assist in a reliable evaluation of one’s skills. Substandard six reminds practitioners that, when appropriate, it is important to collaborate with family members and other support staff of a client (AOTA, 2021b). This substandard will be helpful for understanding that sometimes a client will require additional support staff. When this is the case, it is imperative that they are knowledgeable about the clients changing or ending plan of