Project Home Case Study

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Ms. Porter gave King a mixture of whole milk, water and infant cereal. Ms. Porter woke King up when I arrived. She got damp cloth to wipe him down, changed his diaper and got him dressed for daycare. Ms. Porters interaction with King was limited this morning. She woke him up to get him dressed, but after she got him dressed he went right back to sleep. She woke him up again when it was time to leave. She gave him a bottle and we took him to school. Today Ms. Porter had to go down to welfare and apply for TRA. She changed her mind about applying for TRA, because she did not know what documents she needed. I told her she still needed to go and start the process. On Wednesday she was told by Ms. Santos, if she did not have a place to live by June 5th 2016 King will be removed from her custody. Even if she chooses to stay at Project Home after June 5th, if king is not in her custody, she cannot stay at Project Home it is a shelter for women and their children. …show more content…

The housing case manager took Ms. Porte’s statement about her housing situation. He wanted to know, why she was being discharged / referred out of Project Home. He asked her, how long was the program, what did she do for them to discharge her and if she had anywhere else to go. Ms. Porter answered his questions fully. He repeated many of his question. I told Ms. Porter he needed details. She became annoyed at which point I stepped in. The case worker had information we needed. I did not want to leave with knowing for she had other options. Once he was done taking Ms. Porter’s statement he gave her and TRA application and 30 days to bring in a letter of discharge. This way came June 5th she will have to bring in the application and discharge. The process such be easy, because half of it is

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